Dr Maykell Figueira photo

Dr Maykell Figueira

Lead Teacher of Physics

Dr Figueira has several years of teaching work experience in Brazil in public and private schools both as a teacher and a teaching assistant, teaching Physics and Mathematics in volunteer educational projects to students from low-income backgrounds to have easier access to university preparation, one year experience as an assistant professor in Sao Paulo State University and three years of teaching experience in China, one year in Beijing and 2 years in Shenzhen.

Bachelor's degree in Physics from the Federal University of Uberlandia (Brazil), and Master's and Doctorate degrees from Sao Paulo State University (Brazil) in the field of Science Education. Additionally, a licenciatura diploma (Brazilian equivalent of a QTS) in Physics for middle and high schools.

Four national merit scholarship funds for research and teaching projects during his undergraduate studies in the areas of Condensed Matter Physics and Science Education. Dr Figueira was also selected in 2012 for the ELAP (Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program), a Canadian national scholarship program under which he spent time in Winnipeg (Manitoba) developing research and writing publications in the area of Spintronics and Quantum Computing Storage.

In his spare time, he likes skateboarding, playing guitar, learning new languages, playing tabletop role-playing games and dancing Latin rhythms.

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