DHZH University Matriculation 2023

Class of 2023 graduates

With the release of A-level results by the examination boards, we are delighted with the final university admissions of 2023 Dulwich International High School Zhuhai (DHZH) graduates. It is a real tribute to their relentless hard work, pursuit of academic excellence, as well as the support and dedication of all DHZH staff.

What is final admission/matriculation? Generally, university admission consists of two important steps: conditional admission and final admission. The matriculation normally refers to final registration and enrolment, and confirms a student's formal acceptance into a university. Conditional admission or conditional offer, as the name suggests, is when a university accepts a student's application but stipulates specific conditions that must be met before the formal enrollment. These conditions may include completing designated courses, meeting minimum grade requirements, and providing necessary supporting documents, such as language proficiency test scores, etc. Students will be able to confirm their final offer with just one university after conditions are met.  

The class of 2023 graduates of Dulwich International High School in Zhuhai have received an impressive 195 offers, with an average of nearly four offers per graduate. The final acceptance rate of this year's graduates is 100%, with 76% of students successfully accepted into the QS World Top 100 universities, and a total of USD 29,200 in scholarships received.


DHZH 2023 graduates received worldwide offers from top universities in the UK, US, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and Macau. with a wide range of academic pathways covering natural sciences, humanities and social studies, arts and design.


Among these majors, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) and business programs, accounting for a total of 62%, are particularly popular in comparison to 38% in arts, humanities and social studies.


In the 2023 graduating class, 42% of students chose UK universities as their first choices. Despite the increasingly intense competition, a significant third of DHZH graduates secured final admissions to UK G5 universities.

Once again, we felt enormously proud of 2023 DHZH graduating class and send congratulations to their families! Whatever pathway our students pursue, we wish them all the best in their future endeavors.