House activities at Dulwich Zhuhai are all about collaboration, communication, and a sense of team belonging.

And without any doubt, it has to be fun and engaging!

Our third House activity of this academic year took place in November. Students and staff worked together to create their House logos using building blocks.


Each logo was divided into 12 parts. With a kit of a pen, printed instruction with part of the whole logo pattern, a baseboard and a pack of building blocks in white and House colours, each group of five to six members had to learn the instruction, figure out the combination of different dots in the grid, and an efficient solution to build the individual pattern.


Each group’s instructions only contain part of the logo, it might not appear obvious to the students how they are contributing, and the curiosity to find out how their own part fits into the whole picture generated. 


When all the boards came together and the House logos were displayed in front of everyone, the scene presented it all:

each building block matters, 

each individual matters

This was the main message the activity would like to deliver.


The House System is an important part of the Dulwich Zhuhai community. Every student and staff member is part of a House, and every contribution counts, no matter in sports, art, music or other areas, no matter big or small.

The artwork is in displayed at the campus. Please feel free to pay a visit and check it out!
