DHZH launched its First Science Fair

"Science is not only a disciple of reason but also one of romance and passion." - Stephen Hawking
Dulwich International High School Zhuhai has successfully launched its first Science Fair last week at the new campus. Organised by the Science Department and the students from Y12 and Y13, the Science Fair presented its Magic to the whole school with two topics from the Sustainable Developmental Goals of United Nations – Clean Water and Sanitation (Goal No. 6) and Affordable and Clean Energy (Goal No.7).

The displays were arranged by the students from senior Year Groups divided in four Houses respectively. Each House had been working on their research, data analysis, evaluation and final arguments for more than one month. With the support of Heads of Year of Y12 and Y13, as well as all teachers from the Science Department, students were also able to look into different angles from the curriculum and data resources to design their display booths for the Fair.
It was a valuable process of learning and preparation and exciting experience to participate in. With the 15 laboratories at the new campus, more science mysteries are waiting for students to explore and discover. Go, DHZH scientists!

Wing House
Geothermal energy for sanitation of water (Y12)
Tidal Power (Y13)

Alleyn House
Making biodiesel using Algae (Y12)
Oxy fuel combustion (Y13)

Shackleton House
Hydrogen fuel economy (Y12)
Semiconductors Photocatalysts to clean water (Y13)

Soong House
Fusion Energy of the future (Y12)
Making Food out of Thin Air (Y13)