Welcome to the new academic year 2023-2024

Dulwich Zhuhai students have returned to campus after a long summer vacation.
A warm welcome back!

Back-to-school Day
On Sunday August 13, we have welcomed Year 10 students as well as their parents to attend the New Student Welcome Ceremony on campus. Students arrived in neat Dulwich uniforms with big smile on their faces.

New Student Welcome Ceremony
In our Edward Alleyn theater, the ceremony began with Mrs Hooper, Director of Dulwich Zhuhai, greeted and welcomed all families to be part of the Dulwich community. Followed with the introduction of Pastoral team members and Form Tutors of each year group by Heads of Year. Two student council representatives Isabella L (Y13) and Jessica L (Y12) also shared their school life experience with the new families.

"As you embark on this exciting journey, I want you to know that you are not alone. Our team of passionate teachers, staff, and fellow students are here to support you every step of the way. Our extensive extra-curricular programme offers a rich variety of activities, from music and drama to art, sports, and community service. We encourage you to explore new interests, challenge yourself, and make lifelong friendships along the way. Our teachers are dedicated to nurturing your talents, igniting your curiosity, and helping you to realise your full potential."
- Mrs Hooper, Director of Dulwich Zhuhai

For me it's a right decision to choose Dulwich Zhuhai three years ago. I have gone through difference challenges, explored new hobbies, grown up with peers, and had every little dream come true. High school experience is not only about academic performance, go try out new things and different possibilities, meet and work with different people. To seek help is essential.

First Week of School

With the new academic year unveils, life in campus for teachers and students has officially commenced. Whole-school morning assembly, Tutor classes, Ice-breaking activities, House activities, Campus Scanvenger hunt, University and Career Counselling induction, Library induction, Quiz competition......During all these sessions students of old and new gathered to know each other, reconnected with the peers, made new friends and learnt team collaboration in the new environment where they will spend the upcoming years together.

A great start to the Dulwich Zhuhai students.
Good luck to all in the new academic year. We look forward to seeing you pursuit and achieve higher goals and to Graduate Worldwise.