Meet our new FOD committee
Friends of Dulwich (FOD) is an integral and supportive part of our school community. Parents volunteer themselves to support student and school events. They can also choose to become a FOD committee member to engage more in home-school collaboration, organising different activities for the parent community, such as workshops on parental topics, cultural and art courses.
The new members of our FOD Committee are officially on board. Congratulations!

Friends of Dulwich
Chair - Ms Kaitlyn WU
Deputy Chair - Ms Hongjun WANG
Year 10 parent representatives
Ms Xuping LIU (Year Group FOD Chair), MsXiaoming YUE, Ms Libby MA, Ms Danna LI and Ms Raincy SUN
Year 11 parent representatives
Mr LAM Tze Ho (Year Group FOD Chair), Ms CherryCHEN, Ms Xiaodan YANG and Ms Yun JIN
Year 12 parent representatives
Ms Hongjun WANG (Year Group FOD Chair), MsJessica SO, Ms Ying WANG and Ms Hong SUN
Year 13 parent representatives
Ms Kaitlyn WU (Year Group FOD Chair), Mr Jingshe ZHAO and Ms Wanrong ZHU

“I felt surprised to be elected as Chair, and I am very honoured to have the trust of the school and the parent community. I will try my best to consolidate the passion and advantage of our parents, to better support the school and also set a good example for our children. My family used to live in Canada and my two children enrolled in Dulwich Zhuhai after we returned to China. I’m very happy to see them adapt seamlessly to the international education here, and impressed by their progress in many ways. Leveraging their solid English capability, they managed to focus more on their weaker subjects, and to explore their own interests by attending various school activities. This experience is definitely something I would like to share with more parents in the future, helping them learn more about this international and diverse community and support all students to achieve their success.”
——Ms Kaitlyn WU

“I still remembered the time when my child just joined Dulwich Zhuhai, in which international education was quite new to us. Over the past two years, my child has grown up a lot and always loves to share the interesting engagement she had with schoolmates and teachers. Year 12 is a critical periodfor the students, as their decision for A-Level study and university application may also indicate the career path in the future. Being part of the FOD committee, I will partner with the school and our parents to fully support every step our students take. I hope they all can develop holistically and find their best-fit pathway.”
——Ms Hongjun WANG

“I’m honoured to be part of the parent committee, expressing our love and care to all students in another way and setting a goodrole model for them. It is very important to share mutual understanding andsupport in home-school collaboration. I hope I could help organise more parent activities, to team up cohesively for the success of all students and the community. ”
——Mr LAM Tze Ho

“Our family is familiar with the Dulwich brand and recognise its education philosophy, so Dulwich Zhuhai was our first choice with no doubt when relocating to this beautiful coastal city. As a new parent of this community, I would very much like to learn more about the school while being there for my children’s journey with it. I am willing to exchange more thoughts with other parents for the development and pathway international education has to offer, and better bridging the home-school communications.”
——Ms Xuping LIU
Taking on their new role in the DHZH community, they will actively support the home-school communication and collaboration, conduct parent volunteer recruitment for school activities, to support the academic success and holistic development all students.
Last but not least, we would like to present our sincere gratitude to all the former FOD members for their support and contribution.